This publication is the exercise book for the calculation of mixed structures (steel-concrete) according to Eurocode 4. The book provides insight into the design rules of Eurocode 4 on the basis of the design and testing of a realistic building.
The book is written in French. There is also a Dutch version.
This publication is the exercise book for the calculation of mixed structures (steel-concrete) according to Eurocode 4. The book provides insight into the design rules of Eurocode 4 on the basis of the design and testing of a realistic building.
The book is written in Dutch. There is also a French version.
The GTS 2013 (Graphs and tables for steel and steel structures for buildings based on Eurocodes 0, 1 and 3) contains practical design tables and graphs based on the principles, tables, figures and formulae in Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1 and Eurocode 3.
This design guide describes the properties of the material and the conditions in which it can be reworked. It is illustrated by thirty Belgian and international realisations, ten of which are dissected in detail with technical implementation plans.
The guide is written in French. There is also a Dutch version.
‘Hollow sections in structural applications’ is written particularly for teachers, students and designers in structural and civil engineering, explaining the important principles for the design and behaviour of tubular steel structures.
‘Krachtswerking’ deals with the principles for calculating and testing steel constructions for buildings according to NEN-EN 1990 (Eurocode 0), NEN-EN 1991 (Eurocode 1) and NEN-EN 1993 (Eurocode 3) with the corresponding National Appendices (the Netherlands)
This design guide describes the properties of the material and the conditions in which it can be reworked. It is illustrated by thirty Belgian and international realisations, ten of which are dissected in detail with technical implementation plans.
The guide is written in Dutch. There is also a French version.
Structures or parts of structures should not collapse. But this does happen on a regular basis.
In the first two chapters, ‘Learning from collapses’ discusses the possible causes of collapses of structures; the author then describes in detail twenty-six bridges and buildings that have collapsed in whole or in part or of which the construction showed serious defects.
This design guide describes the properties of the material and the conditions in which it can be reworked. It is illustrated by thirty Belgian and international realisations, ten of which are dissected in detail with technical implementation plans.
The guide is written in Dutch. There is also a French version.
Dit boek neemt de lezer in 3 hoofdstukken en 4 bijlagen mee in het proces van het ontwerpen van een staalstructuur. Daarvoor wordt het model gebruikt van een redelijke eenvoudige geschoorde industriehal.
Het boek is dan ook specifiek bestemd voor het hoger onderwijs in een bouwkundige richting. Het kan gebruikt worden als cursusboek, als zelfstudiemateriaal of als begeleiding bij een typische oefensessie.
In the first three chapters of this book, the subject of fire safety and the calculation of the fire resistance of steel structures for buildings according to Eurocode 3 is addressed. Finally, chapter 4 contains thirteen design tables.
The book is written in French. There is also a Dutch version.
€87,50Original price was: €87,50.€23,85Current price is: €23,85. (€22,50 VAT excl)
This book deals with and comments on the calculation rules of Eurocode 4, applicable to steel-concrete structures.
Due to its form and content, this book is extremely suitable for use as a handbook in higher education. In addition, this book is a very useful tool for engineering and control agencies, as well as a guide for all those involved in the construction world.
The book is written in Dutch. There is also a French version.